The Long, Long Holiday

8.8| NR| en| Animation, Drama

In September 1939, Colette and Ernest are welcomed by their maternal grandparents in a fictional village named Grangeville, near Dieppe in Normandy. The short vacation becomes semi-permanent when their father goes off to fight, following the mobilization of France to fight the invading German Army, and the poor health of their mother, required to leave to be treated for tuberculosis in a sanatorium in Switzerland. The two little Parisians discover life in the countryside during wartime, including occupation, Resistance, deprivation, but also life with friends.

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Les Armateurs

The Long, Long Holiday Trailers,Teasers and Images

  • Top Credited Cast
Antoine Lelandais as Durand (voice)
Philippe Catoire as Herpin (voice)
Julien Crampon as Ernest Bonhoure (voice)
Julien Alluguette as Pierre (voice)
Cédric Dumond as Robert Bonhoure (voice)
Clara Quilichini as Colette Bonhoure (voice)
Benjamin Bollen as Jean (voice)
Dorothée Pousséo as Gaston Morteau (voice)