In the early 1990s in the fictitious town of San Gregorio, Mexico, Dani, a high-school senior, forms an unlikely alliance with Victoria, Olivia and Tamara to find out what happened to Lorena, who has mysteriously disappeared.
EP2 Lorena's DiaryNov 09, 2019
Dani doesn't buy the official version of what happened at the library, so she convinces the other girls to do their own research on it. Olivia transcribes Lorena's diary and is worried by what she finds.
EP3 Special AbilitiesNov 09, 2019
The girls find out that Lorena was studying them, and that she thought they all had special abilities. When it comes to Dani, though, she's still a mystery.
EP4 AbductionNov 09, 2019
Dani thinks they were brainwashed by the VHS tape they rented. She and Tamara attempt to show this tape to Olivia and Victoria to prove it, but the tape turns out to be way more dangerous than they thought.
EP5 Lab RatsNov 09, 2019
Dani, Tamara, Victoria and Olivia escape the town's party to investigate what's behind Victoria's family's car assembler mysterious wall. What they find will change the course of their lives forever.