In this episode of Unstoppable, the beloved preschool, teenager, comedy show, we find our team of six - Max, Leo, Sam, Nova, and Blaze - on one of their missions. However, things take an unexpected turn when Gooey Kai becomes extremely angry because he wants ice cream. Sam tries to calm him down but to no avail. Thankfully, Max and Leo step in to help Sam, and Nova comes up with a clever solution to the problem. She uses her powers to freeze the ice into delicious ice cream for Gooey Kai, which helps to calm him down. In the end, Gooey Kai is grateful for the tasty treat and learns the importance of patience and teamwork. As always, the Unstoppable team works together to overcome any obstacle and complete their mission successfully. This episode showcases the importance of working together and finding creative solutions to problems, no matter how big or small they may seem.