Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...

Rupert Bear, Follow the Magic...

Seasons & Episodes

7| en| Animation

Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic... is a children's television series based on the Mary Tourtel character, Rupert Bear. Aimed at pre-school children, the show is part animated, part computer-generated imagery. Rupert Bear still wears his trademark bright yellow plaid trousers and matching scarf, with a red jumper. Rupert has brown fur once again, just as he was originally drawn in 1920: when he appeared as a cartoon character in the Daily Express, they economised on ink by printing him white. It was broadcast on Five from 8 November to 20 November 2006, as part of their Milkshake! block. Thirteen 10-minute original episodes were broadcast and subsequently repeated. Following the success of these, a further 39 episodes have been produced to date.

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  • Top Credited Cast