ARK: The Animated Series


In a mysterious primeval land populated by dinosaurs and other extinct creatures, people from throughout human history have been resurrected. When 21st century Australian paleontologist Helena Walker awakes there after tragedy, she must learn to survive and find new allies, or die again at the hands of ruthless warlords, all while trying to uncover the true nature of their strange new world.

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Lex and Otis

ARK: The Animated Series Trailers,Teasers and Images

  • Top Credited Cast
Madeleine Madden as Helena Walker (voice)
Michelle Yeoh as Mei-Yin Li (voice)
Gerard Butler as Gaius Marcellus Nerva (voice)
David Tennant as Sir Edmund Rockwell (voice)
Jeffrey Wright as Henry Townsend (voice)
Zahn McClarnon as Thunder Comes Charging (voice)
Devery Jacobs as Alasie (voice)
Elliot Page as Victoria Walker (voice)
Karl Urban as Bob (voice)