Despite causing immense damage, the mysterious "Trashteroids" allow for exciting advancements in technology. Panic spreads as the children with DNA affected by the alien flu, nicknamed "Brids," show signs of superhuman abilities.
EP2 The EntanglementJun 03, 2014
A powerful quantum supercomputer is built based on found alien blueprints, but the alien's motives are questioned when the human children with Alien DNA, called Brids, can connect to it using only their thoughts.
EP3 The PropheciesJun 10, 2014
As more Brids connect to the quantum computer, they grow more powerful and the computer becomes self-aware. The combined brainpower is able to calculate the future, but some will use that information toward evil ends.
EP4 The EscalationJun 17, 2014
Humans unlock the ability to genetically design their own Brid babies and join the Brids' hive mind, causing a panic that humans will soon become obsolete. The self-aware quantum computer makes its own survival top priority.
EP5 The WarJun 24, 2014
When direct assaults on the quantum computer fail, the US military tries to destroy the hybrid network by targeting the Brids. Meanwhile, the computer retrieves a mysterious box from the alien space trash orbiting Earth.
EP6 The Time MachineJul 01, 2014
The quantum computer disperses into the cloud before it is destroyed, releasing unprecedented information into the world's computers. This leads to a virtual reality simulator that allows people to see through time and space.