Święto zmarłych

Święto zmarłych
6.5| 0h18m| en| Drama

On her eighteenth birthday, Lena is trying to bond with her family. All Souls’ Day, a time for contacting the dead and getting together to return to one’s roots, puts our protagonist in a special mood and changes her outlook on her own problems. Everything that happens throughout the day will revolutionise Lena’s view of her family. It is a story of the search for one’s identity and roots, of life and death, of the co-existence of parallel worlds that come together through the power of love.

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Where to Watch

The movie is currently not available onine

Producted By

Uniwersytet Śląski

Święto zmarłych Trailers,Teasers and Images

  • Święto zmarłych Cast
Ewa Dałkowska as babcia
Ireneusz Kozioł as mieszkaniec kamienicy
Krzysztof Czeczot as sprzedawca zniczy
Magdalena Gnatowska as matka Olki