Naked Citizen

Naked Citizen
7.5| 1h22m| en| Drama, Comedy

A family man, driven to the edge by his inability to financially support his family, is found running about on the street naked. Suddenly, he turns into a nationwide celebrity and an inspiration for millions of people in poverty.

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Producted By

Uzman Film

Naked Citizen Trailers,Teasers and Images

  • Naked Citizen Cast
Şener Şen as İbrahim
Pekcan Koşar as Parti Başkanı
Zihni Küçümen as Jacques
Candan Sabuncu as Semiha
Kamran Usluer as Haldun
Bilge Zobu as Sanayi Odası Başkanı
Ertuğrul Bilda as İş Adamları Birliği Başkanı
Tuncay Akça as Taraftar